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منتدى برنامج حياه على النت باذاعة صوت العرب
عزيزى الزائر مرحبا بك
منتدى برنامج حياه على النت باذاعة صوت العرب
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PHP A beginner's guide

اذهب الى الأسفل

PHP A beginner's guide Empty PHP A beginner's guide

مُساهمة من طرف manal kamal السبت مارس 26, 2011 7:42 am

No matter which way you cut it, PHP is pretty amazing: a language strung together by volunteer programmers that today has the enviable distinction of being in use on more than a third of the planet’s Web servers. Flexible, scalable, extensible, stable, open—PHP is all of these and more, which is why it’s one of the most popular programming toolkits in the world
In PHP, there are usually several ways to accomplish any given task. Some of them are better than others, but a few of them—mainly, anything that requires the globals command—are outright wrong. This is always confusing to programmers new to PHP because if there are several correct ways to accomplish a task, how do you know which one is the best? “Best Practices” has been a theme in the PHP community for several yearsnow as an attempt to answer this question
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manal kamal
manal kamal
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تاريخ التسجيل : 19/01/2010


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